
Staying Alive

Egads I feel like crap. Also, I don't think my brain's working so...
  • I like this latest layout. I'm gonna stick with it for good. Or until I get a bug up my ass and decide to change things around again.
  • My insomnia is back with a vengeance. It's bitchier and meaner than ever. Christ in cucumbers.
  • I think the only thing that can lift me up is a new toy. Someone buy me one please. I'm almost on the verge of agreeing to anything if it could get me a toy. Seriously.
  • I don't think anyone believes me when I say I'm sad.

My ankle still hurts like a mother.

It's time.

Changes have been made. Those who matter have been notified.


If It Ain't Broke...

Here's the week in review:
  • Got nookie? Damn right. So there.
  • Sprained my right ankle. Hurts like a mother. Possibly nookie related. Or not.
  • Discovered a lot. Learned a few lessons. Made a coupla resolutions.
  • New car smell. Mmmmm.
  • Made a new blog. Will be redirecting everyone there soon.
  • Got nookie? Damn right. So there.

Just watch me grin.


But Ummmm...

So we're back to discussing toys. Sometimes I think, I'm better off NOT making any friends and just surround myself with plush.

Just my kid, my mom and my plush. No more people pretending they're your friends but really all they're doing is marking time and then BAM, they're gonna stab you in the back, kick you on the head and leave you on the ground bleeding to death.

This has been such a bitter week. I haven't had my Garver fix in weeks. And that's just not right. I gotta have my Garver fix!

I just went off-tangent again. I do that all the time.

I can't seem to stay focused on anything. All I know is that I hurt. I hurt and I can't seem to find a way to end the pain.


Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

"We have to distrust each other.
It is our only defence against betrayal."
-Tennessee Williams
So freaking true.

Just when I thought it's safe to come out and trust again. WHAM! I find myself hit between the eyes once more.

Jesus ain't got nothing on me. At least He had dinner out with friends and a kiss before Judas stabbed Him in the back. I got nothing. Zip. Nada. Zilch. Damnit.

Human beings suck donkey ass.

I know I sound a little vague. The full details of the betrayal will be posted on livejournal.


Nyonkers for Nyanko

I spent nearly an hour scouring the net for Nyan Nyan Nyanko Plush keychains. Nearly an hour! For just a toy. I've really got it bad. This is terminal, methinks. I am doomed to be this plush crazy for life.

Not that I'm complaining. In fact I enjoy being this toy-crazy. Most of my friends can and will attest to that. Actually they'd be more than happy to have me locked up in some cushy place filled to the brim with toys. That would be heaven for me. Seriously.

Given the choice between sex with Captain Jack Sparrow or a cute plush... guess which one I'd pick?


Indecent Proposals Et Al.

This week has been fraught with propositions, from friends and strangers alike. It's like I was wearing a shirt that says, "Immoral, Come One, Come All" or "All Roads Lead to Yaga" or "Open for Business, Monkey That Is." Geez louise.

Scenario 1:
I get online after days of being disconnected from the world wide web and what do I have waiting in my friendster inbox? A proposition from a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend. Toys for nekkid pics. Seriously. Who wants nekkid pictures of ME?? Except for Rich, my one and only studmuffin. Who would want to start or end their day worshiping the almighty porcelain god? People these days....

Scenario 2:
Small get-together at a friend's house. Potential boy was the host. I was busy trying to decide whether I should get sloshed or not when a girlfriend ran up to me and literally shoved a napkin to my face. On the napkin was this note, "nice rack. can i?" Oh lawd. So after I started breathing again, I asked my friend to point out the person who gave me the note. I saw him, we locked eyes and then I gave him the finger. Stupid git.

Scenario 3:
Lounging in bed. Minding my own. Phone beeped. Unknown number. The message said, "hi, got ur # fr ****, wnt 2 go out nd play?" WTF?!?! Texted *****, read him the riot act and told him to stop giving away my number to perverted schmucks.

I have NO idea why this is happening. I'm like... a schmuck magnet. By the way, potential boy got in napkin-git's face and told him to take a hike. My hero. Pfft. My life is fraught with assholes. Except you, Rich.

You, you can have nekkid pics anytime, all the time.


It Rhymes with Jeeves.

There are days when all I want to do is tear all the hair off of my head and run around in circles, cursing and giving people the evil eye.


Alrighty Then...

I spent the whole day cleaning and rearranging my room which was pretty clean and arranged to begin with. Basically, I threw everything out of their various containers, shuffled my furniture, washed the things that needed to be washed, then fluffed, polished and buffed everything else. I am, in a word.... ex-fuckin-hausted.

Every surface in my room gleams. Every plush toy, citrus-y fresh. I am one happy OC twit. My books are arranged according to favorites, then according to size. So I have about 5 different sets of arrangements. One on my desk and four in the book cabinet. I don't have shelves for my books. Just one ginormous book cabinet.

My shirts are all squared away, arranged according to color and purpose and my jeans are arranged according to denim shade. Anal, you say? Just about. Hehe.

I think I drove my kid crazy after the 12th time we had to rearrange my room because not everything was as symmetrical as I want them to be. But now that everything is as I need them to be, I am one happy clam. Until the next time I decide to reshuffle my room again. Which will be in approximately one week. Hah!

And this was all brought about by the fact that I have a new favorite toy and I needed to make sure that it was always accessible to me whenever I needed a little pick me up.

Like I keep saying... My world begins and ends with my toys. Sigh. I need more.


Tune in Next Time...

Men are such assholes. Every single one of them.

Except you Rich. You, I love.