
The Scent of a Memory.

You know how most of the time, a scent hits you and it immediately triggers a landslide of emotions and you're left dumbfounded in the middle of a busy street, unsure of what to do next, an all-out emotional upheaval threatening to swallow you whole, unless you smell something totally different and everything returns to normal?

How you find yourself unable to move, think or even breathe because that smell is something you've tried to forget and has only recently semi-succeeded doing so?

How, from one minute, you've gone from being a normal, fully functioning human being to becoming a quivering mass of gibberish and tears?

How, that one scent can destroy months and months of self-therapy, of poring over self-help books, of making a conscious effort not to live like a hermit, buried under a pile of photographs, love letters and clothes left over from when you still lived together?

How, in that one moment, you're forced to face the reality that you haven't really moved on. You haven't really forgotten and you haven't really let go?

I almost got run over by a skateboarding maniac all because I caught the scent of his favorite cologne and all over again, my heart broke into a million pieces.

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