
What's the buzz...

It's that time of the year again... The neighbors will get inundated with JC Superstar songs for days. Mom and I will burst into song at the oddest times. I'll either be Jesus or Judas... then Mary Magdalene then Peter. We know all the lyrics to EVERY SINGLE song.

I saw the movie while still a child and promptly fell in love with it. It's the BEST movie musical, bar none.

I'm going to call my Tita Fifi and ask her to come over so we can sing together. Now she can sing. Perfect pitch too. I love my mom's side of the family. Everybody's into music one way or the other.

Most of the guy cousins play an instrument or two. Jeff plays the drums - better than most professional drummers. Seriously. Jimboy, Chet, Jojo all play guitar. My brother sings and plays a little guitar too. They even had a band when they were knotheaded teenagers. So adorable. The girl cousins either sing, play the piano and guitar or dance.

My uncles can all play the guitar like pros. My aunts are pretty musical too. My mom is a mean alto. Tita Fi... well she's just the best. My Tita Merce can make you weep when she plays the piano. And those that don't play an instrument or sing... well, they can dance their hearts out.

And now... my kid plays the guitar quite well and getting better everyday. Heck, he doesn't strum... he plucks and darnit, I'm so proud I could burst! And the best part is... he loves JC Superstar too!

Now to go home and rock!


Papa's Little Princess

Leland Soleil C. Espiritu a.k.a. Loleng, Poleng, Lolei, Olei, Cholei

But still they lead me back...

Feels like I've been walking a thousand miles without actually getting anywhere. It's a struggle to wake up and not remember the past few weeks. Life goes on though. There's no escape from that. I have to suck it up and just keep moving forward.

It's baffling me to no end why I keep attracting people who send my already whacked trust issues into overdrive.

So I keep trimming these people out of my life and whether they know it or not, I've already walked away from them.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, females are fucked up. They turn everything into a competition. Everything's a mad dash to become first or best. I dunno how much more vehemently I have to keep saying that I do not like competing. For a man's attention, for the title of best dressed, sexiest, most stylish and other superficial bullshit.

All I want to do is find my niche in life. Burrow under it and never leave its warm embrace again.

By the way, this blog has been getting lots of additional traffic these past few weeks. Must be because of Facebook. So I've taken to writing over at Maralita again. Those who know what I'm talking about, you know where to find me.

If you still want to cyber-stalk me, follow me on twitter. Those who just want to stick their annoying little flat noses into MY business, do me a favor... die already. Thanks muchly.



'Nuff said.



When I'm in a funk, it takes days before I could muster up the energy to smile. And no one, not even my snuggleums can truly lift my spirits up. And oh, how he tries.

I've been in a downright nasty funk since the weekend but... the moment I fired up my Twitter page, I saw Shawn Smith's update and my funk just disappeared. Just like that. I'm happier than a bejeweled clam.

I feel like I could take on the world.

And if you call me melodramatic, I shall send my awesome ninjas over to your place where they will proceed to glomp cuteness all over you.

Ninja awesomeness. The best kind of upper ever.


I gotta wear shades.

Yes, Zachary Levi. I'll marry you.

Before people start thinking I'm some kind of deranged stalker... (well, I sorta am but I'm mostly harmless) lemme just say that I've always had a soft spot for geeks. I truly, ridiculously adore them.

This is why, I also truly, ridiculously believe that I will end up with a geek. And I shall be happy for the rest of my life.

Now it's only a matter of finding THE geek for me. But yes, Zachary Levi, you have first dibs.


Just an observation...

Most "players" are either compensating for having short dicks or low IQs. Just saying. Not trying to be vicious or anything. Because believe you me, you don't want me vicious.

You know why I'm so comfortable being this critical of other people? It's mostly because I know where I stand. I'm sure of what I am and what I'm not.

Here's a list of some of the things I've been meaning to say to people but held back because I really didn't want to hurt people's feelings. Screw that. The kid gloves are off.

1. You're too full of yourself. You act like you're all that when you're really not. You make up stories that are obviously designed to make people believe that you're wanted when you're not.

2. Take a good look in the mirror and start being honest to yourself at least. You're not pretty. You're not even plain. You're one big ass ugly pathological liar.

3. You're so hypocritical.

4. Your dick is probably short too. Really.

5. When God made you, he broke the mold. He made sure He didn't make any more like you. He has a reputation to consider, you know.

6. If you find yourself wanting to ask me if you're any of the 5 people I talked about, chances are, you are.



Well today sucked. I'm taking a break from my messengers. If I wanted to be screamed at or ignored, all I have to do is stay home. Fuck this.


No, seriously.

Sometime during this past week, I had this conversation. It totally left me speechless. Which, honestly speaking, is quite a feat. Anyway...

me: I think I'm beginning to get used to having you around.
him: Hmm?
me: You know, you're like permanently etched into my routine already.
him: Is that bad?
me: I dunno yet. I guess not, unless you suddenly disappear and I'd have to change routines again.
him: Marry me. Keep me forever.
me: What the...
him: Pass me the salt, will you?


Bite sized happiness.

Chocolate Chip cookies from Go Nuts Donuts.

If you haven't tried these yet, you should. They're itty-bitty bites of pure bliss. Seriously.

I already love Go Nuts Donuts. Their Amazing Glaze Donut is just sinfully nummilicious. Yes, that's a word. Shut up. Although I'm not such a huge fan of their cupcakes still, if I suddenly get a craving for a donut and there's no Krispy Kreme in sight, Go Nuts Donuts is the next best thing.

I love the fact that every once in a while, I discover something totally, unexpectedly wonderful.

Anyway, I'm going to get me s'more cookies soon. Mmmm.

Image is from Mad About Food.


Oh dear lawd!

Everywhere I look, I see cupcakes. All my friends are either raving about them or stuffing them into their mouths.

One time when I flipped to the TLC channel, I was able to catch an episode of Nigella's Feasts. Now, Nigella is the kind of cook that makes you want to make love after cooking. I love her. She's so sensual and fun and such a messy unapologetic cook.

Anyway, in this particular episode, Nigella baked these mouthwatering cupcakes. I just about drooled. Ok, I did drool. But only a little. Ok, a lot! Geez. Who wouldn't? Those cupcakes looked delightfully sinful!

The thing is though, I'm not really a cupcake person. One friend said that it's because I haven't found the right cupcake for me.

Great, now on top of looking for the right man, I have to look for the right cupcake? Are you kidding me?


Cj Ink

It's been almost 4 years since I got this tattoo. It's a cover up. Which is why it had to face the "wrong" way. Nevertheless, I still love it.


Kill me now.

I swear to God, this new Pocket Pork Series 3 from Shawnimals will be the death of me. Death by Plush.... what a lovely way to go.

Just in case...

Here's a tip:

If it involves anything related to the internet, or computers.... don't even bother trying to outwit me. It's an exercise in futility.

Not only do I know more about the damn thing than you, I just happen to have the world's cutest e-geek on my side.

My snuggleums can kick your mini-schnauzer's ass. In his sleep.


If you think it's you....

You have to be less obvious when you connive with a guy whose brainpower rivals that of a deranged chipmunk. Seriously. I mean c'mon! Did you actually think that I won't see through this pathetic little ploy of yours? Girl, puhlease! Between the two of you, you probably add up to 1/16th of my IQ and I'm being generous here.

Give it up already. Christ in a crutch. If you want him so much, he's YOURS. I mean, hey, if it doesn't bother you that you can't EVER wear heels when you're with him... that's your choice. Personally, I love my stilettos way too much to give them up.

I realize that I'm coming off as a bit deranged too, what with all the cryptic raving I'm doing but, you see, unfortunately, this blog has its share of psychotic readers.... some of them even claim to be friends. Some of them actually believe that I believe them. Riiiight. Anyway, I apologize for the occasional whacked post. They'll be fewer and further in between soon enough.


Who else?

Nothing puts my back up more than people treating me like I'm stupid. Alright, I admit that I don't know everything there is to know about everything, but that doesn't mean I don't know anything AT ALL.

I understand that there are people who are legions smarter than me just as there are people who are dumber than lamp posts. That's just the way it is. What I don't understand is why people, especially those who've known me since I was still happily sucking on my thumb, talk to me like I'm missing a few key spark plugs in the brain.

I do have the brain power necessary to understand a few things you know? There's really no reason to talk to me like I'm a 3 year old.

Admittedly, I know more about some stuff than I do some stuff. There's quite a few topics that I can discuss extensively and then there are things that completely render me brainless.

HTML for instance. I've given up on ever learning to code my way out of a straight line. I've accepted the fact that I lack the "mental wherewithal" to pull off anything HTML-y in nature.

If you ever catch me being ever so smug about stuff, feel free to smack me upside the head. Just be careful not to jostle what remaining healthy brain cells I have, ok?