
An unusual farewell...

Yesterday, the strap of one of my very first pair of Havaianas flip-flops broke.  I wasn't even walking or doing anything when it did.  I was sitting casually in front of my computer, swiveling slightly on my chair using my feet to keep me anchored on the spot when I felt the strap go *snap*...

I looked down and this inexplicable wave of sadness hit me when I saw that the strap snapped off.  I've had this pair for six long years.  I've walked, played, run, skipped and danced with it on.  It has served me well....

I also bought it during happier times when life was still uncomplicated.  Maybe this means that I too should just stop hoping, stop holding on to the thought of being that happy again.  Maybe it breaking means that it's time for me to completely let go of the past and just move on.

Time for a new pair... a new life.  Time to walk, run, play, skip and dance wearing something different, something new.  Time to hope for something else...

Goodbye old friend.  I will miss you but it's time for me to move on.  I won't ever forget you but a new friend awaits with new adventures to take and new memories to make.


Excess Baggage

I love bags.  I never go out without some sort of bag perched happily on my shoulder, moving along with me as I brave the cruel, cruel world.

I love my bags weird, huge, floppy, and hobo-ish.  I don't like 'em rigid and boxy and frou-frou-ish.   There's just something special about a bag that's weird enough it's bordering on one of a kind, huge enough to fit any of your friends in and make 'em feel like they're traveling first class and floppy enough that it can also serve as an emergency security blanket for those unexpectedly depressing moments.

My favorite kind of bag is the hobo bag.  Whenever I walk past a store and spot a hobo bag, I stand transfixed for a few minutes, daydreaming about the many wonderful adventures I can go on if only I had one.  And if I have enough money, you can bet your ass I'mma take that bag home with me and love it, and hug it and call it MINE.

To date, I have about 18 bags and I'm nowhere near finished hoarding more. 


♫ Let's hear it for the boys ♪

I can't believe it.  I finally had a day out with my guy friends after a gazillion years!  I have forgotten just how fun it is to just hang out with them and eat like pigs and laugh like loons.

First, Herbert, Christian and I went in search of new toys for me (of course) because well, I needed new toys from Secret Fresh.  After getting lost for a bit, we finally found the toy place and got me 2 new plushies.  Score!  We're going back to get Herbert this really cool shirt.  Maybe next week.  We shall see.

Then we drove back to meet up with Marc and Jorest at ArmyNavy where we proceeded to stuff our faces with the best burgers in town.  The burrito and onion rings weren't half bad too.  Thing was, none of them thought it was wise to tell me that eating an ArmyNavy Double Burger meant downing half a pound of meat.  At the end of the meal, I was too full to even speak.  So we walked off the huge meal we had then decided half an hour later that we now have room in our already stuffed stomachs for frozen yogurt.

I YO has one of the best frozen yogurts I've ever tasted.  I had Strawberry with CHUNKS of strawberry in it and I was humming the entire time I was inhaling it.  YUM.  Finally, because we (well, mostly the boys) thought we needed to eat some more, we headed off to another friend's house to have dinner there.

We are pigs.  Happy pigs but pigs nonetheless.

Wonder when we're going out next....


And a dance.

While I was watching Bones earlier, I had a little epiphany.  Towards the end, when Booth and Bones were having their post-case drink he made a wish for her.... He wished that she would have happiness in her life.  And he defined happiness as love, laughter, purpose and a dance.  

And that got me thinking... whether or not I have happiness in my life.  I have love... I have laughter but I'm not sure I have purpose.  And that's just sad seeing as I'm practically an old crone.  So this year will be dedicated to the sole err... purpose of finding my purpose in life.  {I'm sorry but there's really no other way to reword that sentence.} 2011 is the year that I will find my purpose.  And if I am lucky and blessed enough to succeed, I will make sure that I serve that purpose for the rest of my life. Anyway, so yeah. 

I have the love.  I have the laughter.  I will my find my purpose.  And at the end, I will have that dance.  And I shall be truly and completely happy.


2011, ready or not, here I come.

I still resolve to stop having so many hang ups about the way I look.  I will, however, promise to take better care of myself this year.  I will watch what I eat and geroffmyfatass and exercise more.  

I'm going to dance again.  And nothing's going to stop me.