
Petunia Logic

For the past few days I have been stressing about where to put some of my books now that I have a roommate that will take up half of the space I used to have for all my stuff...

I have sobbed, bawled, thrown tantrums and sat in catatonic stupors.

Just last night, I managed to put everything away with only a few casualties that were sadly thrown away.

After all that you'd think I'd curb the book hoarding, yes?

Think again.

Three new books.  I am an idiot.  A happy one but still.



I don't even know anymore... *sobs*

Happy Hoarder Problems

There's no going around it anymore.  I have way too much stuff.  I can't seem to find it in me to throw out some of my crap.  But I can't find a place to put them in either.  There's just too much of everything!

*bangs head repeatedly on the wall*


A different kind of "there, there..."

‎"You aren't a loss."

You know it's a red-letter day when you get told that people would be better off if you weren't around.


Heaven is the little things.

A little before and after... man my walls were grotty.

See how much nicer it is now?

Some people use a scaffolding or a ladder, we use these.

One wall down, three more to go.

Sometimes it's the smallest things in life that can bring you the biggest joys.


Wet Willy

Gave Will a much needed bath today... he was getting a bit too grimy plus he wanted to play with bubbles.


Snack Attacked.

So.. that is the last piece of Cheese Combo... or more accurately, that WAS the last piece of Cheese Combo.  It is now, happily making its way around my digestive system.  And I am sad.  Because I want more and there is no more.

I call this piece "The Last Combo : A Series of Unfortunate Snacks, Part I" just because I can and just because I think I'm some straight up witty genius. Ha!

I want more :(


Night lights.

Yes, I like to take pictures of pretty lights from inside the car... 


Where in the world...

Went grocery shopping with Mum and Auntie C.  I had LOADS of fun!  Oh yeah, it's me, Will.  I'm just "guest-posting" for Mum.  

Plus, her blog could use loads of happy to balance off the sad.

Love you Mum!


Spring Schming.

I wish I could say I'm having my annual We-Don't-Even-Have-Spring-Cleaning extravaganza but I pretty much do this every month, sometimes more.  So...

Anyway, there will be pictures later.

edit 1.
Reorganized the shelves and put all the babies in one place .

edit 2.
I did it! I finally reorganized ALL my books and my plush babies!

edit 3.

Made my reading nook a bit more snuggly too.



Did a quick gift run at Fully Booked High Street with H for his future wifey... took Will with me.  I'm telling you... every single time I step inside that bookstore, I fall in love all over again and again and again and again... ad infinitum.


That's Ms. Pacman to you, buddy.

Got woken up by two babies bickering loudly...

Augustus :  stop beating my high score!  I'm going to tell Mum!
Embry  :  stop being a cry baby, get your nose out of Mum's books and P-R-A-C-T-I-C-E
Augustus  :  you're a numpty
Embry  :  doodoohead.
Embry  :  *sniggers*


Book Monster

I think I know what sort of monster my darling Augustus is going to grow up to be.  

Exactly like his mommy.


I am knot delusional!

Yes. I understand that I won't lose the weight I so desperately need to lose BUT eating baked salted pretzels thoroughly smothered in cream cheese, just hits all the right spots.


Doing a Nicholson.

Ola.  I've tried really hard to ignore this blog and start a new one but for some reason, I just keep coming back to it.  Despite the fact that it's chock full of posts that painfully remind me of happier days when things were simple, honest and healthy.  I miss those days.  I miss not hurting so much.  I miss feeling like I'm enough and that I truly matter.  Sadly though, I think those days are really long gone.

Maybe, I should just throw everything away the way I'm being casually thrown away.  Maybe I should just nut up and accept the cold hard fact that I have outlived my usefulness, I have been replaced and I've stopped mattering.  The quicker I learn to accept these things, the quicker I can get on with my life.

I promised myself that I would never go back to being apathetic about how people treat me.  I promised myself that I'm going to learn how to graciously allow people to love me for who I am.  I've went and done the whole "Bah, so what?" routine and it's gotten me nothing but a few lonely years.  And I don't want that again.  I thrive around people, around friends.  I love sharing jokes, interests and stories with people I care for.  I love being there for them when the going gets tough.  I love being their shoulder to cry on and I love knowing that when it's my turn to cry, I've got an abundance of dry shoulders to choose from to catch my tears.

Sadly though, that doesn't seem to be the case anymore.  I guess I've passed the point of being somebody's shoulder and is now being happily used as their doormat.

People wonder why I have a low opinion of myself when they only need to look at how badly they've been treating me to know.

Empty compliments and untrue declarations of concern do not a real friendship make.

Oh and yeah... I guess I'm back.