
Ready... Aim...

What makes a woman go after someone else's man? I really wanna know. Is poaching considered not unethical anymore?

I mean, don't these women have any sense of what's fair game and what's not? Maddening, is what it is. Ok, I believe in the saying, "All is fair in love and war." I'm willing to bet though that the shmuck who came up with that saying is one conniving, manipulative sonofabitch who has no morals.

I've never poached. I've always respected other people's relationships. I've been poached on, lots of times. And every time hurt like hell. Now I know that if my guy can be easily swayed by another pair of mammary glands with the IQ of a tse-tse fly then he's not worth two shits. But it still hurts.

It hurts because once again I've relied on common decency to prevail and once again my stupidity has cost me yet another heartbreak.

Now, I don't claim to be the epitome of decency and morality. FAR FROM IT. But, I know what's fair and I try to be as fair as possible. I don't poach, I don't stalk, I don't advertise my goddess-like sexual prowess (well, maybe just this once... bwahahaha), and I don't ever, EVER go through the obvious trouble of conjuring lovechildren out of thin air in hopes of fulfilling my convoluted fantasy of happily ever after.

You might think, "bitchy, much?"

Well damnit yes I am bitchy. I am pissed as all hell. Pissed beyond reason that once again, my relationship is threatened by some two-faced bimbo-slash-daughter of Satan on Prozac. It pisses me off because once again, regardless of past experiences, I am left to rely on other people's sense of decency.

I'd say, "bring it on sistah," but why bother? I've never arm-wrestled over men before, why should I start now? Either I'm enough for him or I'm not. Besides, I still believe in karma. I mean, karma's one helluva bitch. I know. It has kicked me in the ass one too many times. And believe you me, karma can sure wreak havoc. I respect karma now, I think we've reached an understanding.

I hate having the monthlies. It just brings out the worst in me.


  1. A look in the Mirror....

    I ask you my friend would you consider yourself to be a good person?

    Do you think you've kept the Ten Commandments?

    Well lets try a few and see how you do? Ok?

    Have you ever told a lie?

    Be honest with yourself...

    And what does that make you?

    (I'll give you a hint. It starts with an "L"...)

    Have you ever stolen anything? The value doesn?t matter...

    And what does that make you?

    Ok and here?s the one that got me...

    It says in the Bible you shall not commit adultery. But Jesus said if any one looks with lust he has already committed adultery with him/her in his heart. Have you ever done that? Looked with lust?

    Ok and just one more for good measure...

    Have you ever used the Lords name in vain?

    If so... then you've taken Gods Holy name and used it as a curse word to describe disgust. The God that gave you life and has blessed you with your family, friends and money. That's called blasphemy.

    Ok so if you answered honestly and that's all I ask....

    By YOUR own admission, your a lying, thief, an adulterer at heart and a blasphemer of God...

    On judgement day when you stand before God and His throne...
    Will you be innocent or guilty of breaking his ten Commandments?

    Which is the standard He will Judge you by...

    So do you think you'll go to heaven or hell?

    If you say heaven, then why? Because God is a good and loving God? Or because you don?t believe in Him?

    First if you were in a courtroom today before a judge and you had committed a crime and you knew you were guilty, you were caught red handed. And the judge was about to pass sentence on you. And he asked you if you had anything to say for yourself. And you got up and said "Yeah, Judge I know your a good judge and I'm really sorry for what I've done can you forgive me and let me go?" Will that judge let you go if he's a good judge? Of course not, if he's a good judge he'll have to give you your sentence or they'd through him off the bench for letting people go for such a thing. And God's the same way...he must punish sin.

    Now if you don't believe in Him, that doesn't change the fact of being before the throne. If I say I don't believe in gravity and walk off a ten story building I'm still going to fall and us believing in God does not make Him exist. God exists with out us as He did before us and will exist after the first heaven and the first earth pass away. Eternally.

    Now knowing that you've broken the law...Gods' Law... and unfortunately the punishment for breaking Gods' Law when it's all said and done is being thrown into the Lake of Fire.

    I don't like this fact of a second death but it's a reality and you may ask how I know that? It's because God said when He made us that His law was written on all men and women?s hearts. Those questions I asked you... Are to show you that. It's called your conscience. We all have one and even though some of us have shut it off. It's there, it's real and like a smoke detector in your home if you remove the batteries it doesn't warn you of a fire. Same with your conscience when you shut it off, it stops warning you of the Lake of fire.

    I only took the time to write this cause I care about you...Maybe no one's put it to you like this before and you need to turn your conscience back on like it was when you were a child and remember the first time you lied or stole something. God remembers that. Every thought, every deed God has seen and made an account of.

    So since your guilty of breaking His Ten Commandments and your going to be thrown into the lake of fire.

    Do you know what God did so you won't have to be thrown into the lake of fire?

    If you said He died for me, your right. That?s what it all boils down to....the whole bible is the story of Jesus paying the fine for the world that chose to disobey the Ten Commandments.... Through one man sin entered the world and through one man sin was atoned for.
    That sin, which many have lost sight of, is breaking the ten commandments.

    So now that you've taken the time to read this and I really appreciate that you have....

    I leave it to God to do the rest....

    Please repent (turn away from sin) and ask God to forgive you of all your sins (name them) and let Him completely wash you of all your filth and fleshly stuff. Give your life to Him and He will deliver you from the wrath to come....
    Put on Jesus as your covering on the day of judgement. Jesus is not something you just try on to see if he'll make your life better. Jesus is the only way into Heaven!!!

    So if you decide to get right with God today... Read your Bible everyday and find a good church to share your new found faith.

    Thank you once again and I wish I could do more to show Gods' Love for you in a practical way...

  2. Anonymous12:16 AM

    God, do you know the person that posted on this? I managed to read the first line.

    Why has karma kicked you in the ass so much? What do you keep doing to make it kick you in the ass?
