
Shall We?

I was planning on doing a year end thingy just to wrap things up nice and tight but daaaaaamn, that's a lot of work... so, I'mma gonna work on it some more and then post it when it's all done.

I'll be posting the entirety of the year end thingy at the other blog and maybe just post a summary here. Since this blog doesn't have a friends only feature and I have readers here that aren't necessarily friends. I don't want everyone and their brother to be privvy to certain matters.

Speaking of non-friends, the new site meter is wondrous. It gives me a weekly report on how many visits I get a day AND it also gives me the ip address of the person visiting. How cool is that? And seeing as Richard is THE techie of all techies, maybe I can finally solve the Mystery of The Unfriendly Visitor. Well actually, it's already solved. Richard, notwithstanding. I just like rambling on and on about stuff that most people would find boring.

There's this lady, two stations away from me and she's talking to someone over the net. She's all giggly and mushy and flirty, it's so cute. It gives me hope... this long distance love affairs that seem to be working... maybe one day... maybe...

Pipe dreams. Oh well.

I've quit work. Mostly because I'm starting over at another company. Everything's still hush hush so... hush.

My cousin Erica told me that she writes the way she speaks. I guess I do too. Rambling and seemingly without coherence. But for the few people who REALLY listen to me, inside every rant is a valuable, albeit small nugget of vulnerability that is just too darn scared to come out of hiding. Whoosh. I amuse myself way too easily.

So, yeah. I need to go. I've got places to burn and people to turn. Blargh.

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