
What do you see in the mirror?

First posted on LiveJournal, September 16, 2003

When I look in the mirror I see me. All the time. Even when I sneak up on it and pounce unannounced, I still see me. There's no escaping me. You would think I'd stop trying but nooooo, there must be some way to peek into the mirror and see someone else.

A mask. I thought that would help. But beneath the cardboard catface, it's still me. I even tried drawing on a mustache and maybe dotting in some freckles. Perhaps that would do the trick. No, the smirk is still mine, the eyes that look back - mine.

Maybe if I spin around really fast and then stop abruptly before checking the mirror. Surely that would make me go all dizzy and I'll lose all perspective so when I look in the mirror I might not see me but someone else. Not only did it not work but my lampshade got knocked into smithereens in the process. Wait, let me check now. Maybe now someone else will stare back. Nope. Still me.

I bite my lower lip and think really hard. Why can't I see someone else? Someone other than me. I promise I won't be mean to it like I sometimes am to me. I won't nitpick and point fingers and call it names. I won't enlarge the flaws and hide the sparkles. I will praise, love and embrace.

I won't ridicule and hate. I'll be more forgiving and accepting. I shall bring it to the moon and eat mooncakes with it while jumping around the craters. We'll have fun and we'll laugh and sing and dance. We will pucker our lips at each other and pretend we're fun flapper girls with pearl necklaces longer than our dresses.

I want to see someone else besides me. I'm sure the me on the other side would like that too. I haven't asked me though. Maybe I will tomorrow. After I try once more. If I fail, me and I will talk. If I succeed, I'll tell me and we all can be friends.

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