

I'm not sure what to say. I'm not sure where I am. I feel like I'm taking big, giant steps backwards.

Everything feels out of place. All my connections are shallow and one way. I can't get myself to care that I don't give a damn about a lot of things.

I don't know what to do.

I'm a huge ball of apathy.



Unholy tedium.


My muscles and I have now made up.

They made me promise that I won't subject them to that kind of torture ever again. In return, they promise to never again cause me to contort into such humanly impossible positions brought on by severe cramping.

We have signed an agreement and even had it notarized.

This is me, basically telling you folks, that I shall now live a slug-like existence.


Snap. Crackle. Pop.

Holy mother of effing gawd! Every single muscle in my body is screaming bloody murder. What in holy hell was I on when I said I'd do this? Whose bright idea was it to LET me punish myself like this?

I'm going home to chug a truckload of Advil. Tomorrow's going to be hell on earth. Oh merciful fairies of muscle spasms, grant me quick death. I beg you.