
Sidless Sourgraping.

I miss the little Squid.  We finally had to give him back to his Mom and Dad because they miss him too.... but dagnabit, I miss the little bugger so much.

I haven't been this in love with a baby since... forever.  My Elijah's 17 and he's gone way past cute and adorable AGES ago.  I may have been this crazy over my niece Soleil but I doubt it.  I mean, it's totally different with Squid.

I have patience... oodles and oodles and oodles of patience with Squid.  I had N-O-N-E with the other kids.  Absolutely none.  With Squid, I'm more hands on.. more involved.  More playful, more attentive... more everything.  That doesn't make me a horrible aunt, does it?  I mean I love all the other kids but... I love Squid the most, I guess.

How can I not?

Look at that face and tell me you're not already head over heels in love with him.

P.S. It goes without saying that I am also head over heels in love with my three fluffy boys - Percy, Arnie and Squishy.


  1. <3 He's adorable! Big huggles and kerfluffles

  2. Richard4:59 PM

    Boys, you can always come watch me work. as long as Arnie doesn't teach Squishy any more bad habits.

  3. Awe hun, I know you're so very attached! <3 you!

    I like the new design, too. Scroll work and hearts, a nice balance. Miss you!
