
A rant you say?

I feel like writing.  No, that's a lie... I actually feel like screaming.  At the top of my lungs, until my voice gives out.  I have so much to say but don't know how to say it without burning more bridges.  It feels like I'm trapped inside my head and no matter how hard I try, I can't claw my way out.

I have work.  Work keeps me sane.  But everything is just falling apart and I'm getting buried under a pile of responsibilities and obligations... I can't seem to make a dent big enough to let me breathe.  Even for a minute.

The small things that used to make me happy, that used to bring a smile to my face, a hundred percent guaranteed, now makes sad.  And angry and frustrated.

Sometimes I catch myself staring into space.  Drifting off somewhere.

Sometimes I wish I could just stay there and never, ever come back.

1 comment:

  1. <3 Many, many hugs! By the way, off the record, I see the new bio on the upper right hand corner...and I must say...we look similar in many ways. But I'll hit 40 before you :/

    Come scream to me all you want. I'm here <3
