
Vday Dday.

Just a few things, written on the sly all before I fly...

  • Iks, I know you read my blog and I'm so grateful that you do. I read yours too and you make me so proud. It pains me that no one else in the family can write like you... it pains me that you're universes, milky ways, galaxies better than me. But I bear the pain with pride. Hah!
  • Rich, I still want a toy. Seriously. And I miss you. I never knew I would. Not this much at least.
  • To ip address 125.60.243.*, stop stalking me damnit.
  • Ito, you made my Vday crazily happy. Happy happy joy joy.
  • Mumble, thank you for being the hippity hoppity fool that you are.
  • Ramon, I absolutely, a-so-loo-ly love joo.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you're ok!
    I'll get you a toy soon, I promise.
