
Electronic bliss on tap.

I've decided to share some snippets of a few emails I've received within the week. It's been quite a week, lemme tell you that. So full of extreme highs and crashing lows. But that's for another post. Now on to the snippets!

I'm sitting here trying to find words to write rather than doing my work or anything else. I'm not sure why I'm writing this yet, apart from to say how I love you, so I'll keep writing. I'm sorry if it makes no sense.

Your Facebook statuses get weirder and weirder with each passing post. Turn down the crazy, little missy. It's getting a tad bit too obvious. Yes I know, redundant much.

I'm keeping my eye on you. You're the only girl I know who needs an emotional babysitter. Who is he and does he know what he's getting into? Don't tell him about the bodies in the basement or he'll run so fast, so quick you'll be having whiplash until 2022.

We've read your writing samples and we're certainly impressed. You seem to know how to write in different voices. We're sure you'll be a great addition to our pool of writers. We'll be in touch.

weirdo. stop making fun of her bf! although he really does look like jarjar binks' ass pimple. if you tell her i said so i'll kill you.

You turd! You never write back! Too busy being a girl? Hahaha! You're turning into a girl! Disgusting. Write back dammit!

Mostly, it's fairly easy to guess which email came from girlfriends and which came from normal, sane people. With friends like that, who needs enemies? Oh but I love 'em all.

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