
Happily Ever After is so Once Upon A Time.

Despite my very pessimistic subject, I have had the best day today. I woke up to a really lovely comment on my Facebook, I received a very mooshy, very gooey, very nice email from my snuggleums, and to top it all off with a very nice, very big red bow, my big brother Brent made me the happiest girl alive by agreeing to buy me more Ninjatown Micro Plush Series 2 plushies. Sigh. I'm like floating on cloud nine right now.

I also have a new book that I'm sinking my teeth into slowly. Mostly because if I read it the way I normally do which is super fast, then I'll be out of something to sink my teeth into really quickly. So, I'm pacing myself. I'm also less wobbly these days. The world doesn't tilt so much anymore. Life is going great. For once, I have absolutely nothing to nitpick about.

1 comment:

  1. snuggleums11:46 PM

    I'm glad you were so happy :)
