
A Happy Story.

Written in under 20 minutes. Unedited yet. Not entirely sure why I'm even sharing it... but I feel that I can't not. So here...

They are entwined- arms and legs strategically wrapped around the other for maximum closeness. The hammock is swaying gently. It was a nice day and they were bound and determined to spend it together doing absolutely nothing other than basking in each others' embrace.

They are wrapped inside their own little world of just the two them. No one else matters, nothing else exists. Her head is on his chest, happily listening to the beat of his heart, secure in the knowledge that it beats only for her. His hand is stroking up and down her back, loving the feel of her warmth on him. Knowing that only he can make her flush with happiness and shiver in delight.

Theirs was a love that knows no boundaries. That has no expectations but every notion of security. They were in love, happy, carefree and right at that very moment, content to let the busy world pass them by.

Tomorrow will see them back in their own lives. Back to the work, to the worries and the fears. But today, today it's just them, their love and the gentle summer breeze.


  1. snuggleums12:32 AM

    that's lovely :)

    We know why you can't not ... *hugs*
