
Prison Break Season 35

Naks. It looks like I am flying out soon. Hoboy, I can't wait. I need a change of pace and scenery and everything else in between. I'm getting antsy and I am literally jumping out of my skin every time my phone rings or everytime I open my email...

The new boy won't be so happy with me when this happens. Oh but who the eff cares? I really really really want to leave this godforsaken place. Ick.

I am done with letting the men in my life control every single decision I make. It's time I do things for me because I want to. Bleh.

I talk tough, 'no? I'm trying being actually tough too. Since the new boy is galivanting around Southeast Asia and since I haven't technically let him know that he is indeed the new boy, I'm gonna take advantage of this loophole and just decide for myself left and right.

Am I making sense? Hay.

Right now I am busy with walking around the freaking metropolis trying to get my affairs in order for the impending flight to freedom. Hehe. It's like planning a prison break without the actual prison. Or... yeah, whatever. I'm too tired to edit myself.

The holidays are looking bleak right now but once the new boy gets back and I get my gifts from the most scrumptious boytoy in the planet (this means you Rich...), then things will start looking up.

Also, I finally got the proofs from the photoshoot I had with a friend. He is SO freaking awesome. I look phenomenal. He is a GOD. Hehehe. It takes godlike powers to make me look the least bit presentable but he made me look... PHENOfuckinMENAL! I can't get over it.

Pictures will be uploaded to my flickr account soon. And the link will be generously emailed to everyone that I know with a few exceptions. I don't happen to like everyone I know so.... Heh.

Ok... I guess this is enough. Again, I'm too tired. And I still have to choreograph a dance for my friend. Right. Spread too thin? Methinks I am.

So... blahblahblah and all that crap. I'm out.

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