
It has been that long.

It has been much too long since I've updated. I have valid reasons. I just can't be arsed to list them all. Suffice it to say, they are all valid and I don't really give a flying rat's ass if you believe them or not.

Lately, work has been taking up most of my time. No social life to speak of. I have been hanging out with Kate a lot lately. She's my best friend's wife. We used to not be so close. It was mostly because of my misplaced sense of loyalty. Glad I grew up. Kate's a blast to be with. We do the whole dancing-while-grocery-shopping bit all the time. We enjoy pretty much the same books. I love her kids and she loves mine. She's my girly-girl conscience.

Anyway, I really do not have a lot to say. I just didn't want people thinking I've gone and started something and didn't have enough gumption to follow through.

I'm following through! Alright?

Crap, I'm sleepy.