
Oh but wait, there's more.

Thought I disappeared off the face of the planet huh? Well not quite. I've just been really busy surviving and getting my crap all straightened out.

I'm still mucking about with THE boy. Although, there's a new boy from work I'm also sorta mucking about with. It's nothing serious. So far, we're just smoking buddies. And lunch buddies. And... life is too fucking complicated for it to go farther than that.

Also... new tattoos. Got 2 new ones. One's huge and the other's tiny. I'll get better pictures next time. So... 7 in all. The boy also got a new one. One huge ass dragon to complement his back piece. He's getting a tiger next. Like I said, you really can't stop at one.

That's a bunch of cherry blossoms going all the way down the inside of my left forearm. Hurt like a mofo when I got it done. The other one's a star. On the ring finger of my left hand.

What else... I think I lost my passion for toys. It saddens me that I don't have the desire to go look for itty bitty plushies anymore. Oh well. Maybe when everything in my life falls into place, I'll get excited about toys again.

I gotta scram. My tattoos are hurting like hell.