1. My internet connection worked and I was able to load all my pages.
2. Dreamed about really good things and woke up remembering 'em.
3. I was able to take really GREAT pictures of one of my ninjas.
4. Talked to my Ducky and we're on Day 3 of our No Fighting Week.
5. I'm alive, loved and can love.
Some pictures:

I'm in a really great relationship and because of this, I'm not quite sure how to proceed. I've only ever been in really horrible, really painful relationships so I'm treading on unfamiliar territory. Because of this, my insecurities are surfacing and I've been picking fights with my boyfriend... a lot. I really don't want to argue or even quibble but somehow, I can't seem to stop myself. My insecurities are causing my boyfriend and I some really potentially devastating problems and only recently did I find an explanation as to why I'm the way I am this time around. (God my grammar has gone straight to hell.)
Anyway, I'm suffering from what's known as HRP or Happy Relationship Paranoia. I read about it in a webcomic that, of all people, my boyfriend linked me to. In the comic, HRP is described like so, "It's when you're in a great relationship, but can't stop worrying that you'll fuck it up or that it's gonna end somehow."
Now that I know what it is, I can be more aware of what I'm doing. Just recently we declared a No Fighting Week and so far, it's going great.
A Round Up
There's more but I'm so lazy to sum everything up. Maybe next time.