I only just started reading The Time Traveler's Wife and already, I have fallen head over heels in love with Henry. Sigh.
Move over snuggleums... Mr. DeTamble just came to town.
I've decided to share some snippets of a few emails I've received within the week. It's been quite a week, lemme tell you that. So full of extreme highs and crashing lows. But that's for another post. Now on to the snippets!
I'm sitting here trying to find words to write rather than doing my work or anything else. I'm not sure why I'm writing this yet, apart from to say how I love you, so I'll keep writing. I'm sorry if it makes no sense.
Your Facebook statuses get weirder and weirder with each passing post. Turn down the crazy, little missy. It's getting a tad bit too obvious. Yes I know, redundant much.
I'm keeping my eye on you. You're the only girl I know who needs an emotional babysitter. Who is he and does he know what he's getting into? Don't tell him about the bodies in the basement or he'll run so fast, so quick you'll be having whiplash until 2022.
We've read your writing samples and we're certainly impressed. You seem to know how to write in different voices. We're sure you'll be a great addition to our pool of writers. We'll be in touch.
weirdo. stop making fun of her bf! although he really does look like jarjar binks' ass pimple. if you tell her i said so i'll kill you.
You turd! You never write back! Too busy being a girl? Hahaha! You're turning into a girl! Disgusting. Write back dammit!
Mostly, it's fairly easy to guess which email came from girlfriends and which came from normal, sane people. With friends like that, who needs enemies? Oh but I love 'em all.
me: I hit a jackpot of mellow songs
him: oh?
me: yeah one artist, lots of great put me to sleep and dream of my boy songs
him: aww dream of your boy?
me: yes
me: I like dreaming of you
him: I'm glad you dream of me
him: generally I spend so much time thinking of you before bed..... that I don't remember my dreams ....
How can I read that and NOT be gooey?
Written in under 20 minutes. Unedited yet. Not entirely sure why I'm even sharing it... but I feel that I can't not. So here...
They are entwined- arms and legs strategically wrapped around the other for maximum closeness. The hammock is swaying gently. It was a nice day and they were bound and determined to spend it together doing absolutely nothing other than basking in each others' embrace.
They are wrapped inside their own little world of just the two them. No one else matters, nothing else exists. Her head is on his chest, happily listening to the beat of his heart, secure in the knowledge that it beats only for her. His hand is stroking up and down her back, loving the feel of her warmth on him. Knowing that only he can make her flush with happiness and shiver in delight.
Theirs was a love that knows no boundaries. That has no expectations but every notion of security. They were in love, happy, carefree and right at that very moment, content to let the busy world pass them by.
Tomorrow will see them back in their own lives. Back to the work, to the worries and the fears. But today, today it's just them, their love and the gentle summer breeze.
Consider me back to normal. Ignore the previous post. There's really no use thinking I'll ever end a day on an effing high note.
Fuck this.
Despite my very pessimistic subject, I have had the best day today. I woke up to a really lovely comment on my Facebook, I received a very mooshy, very gooey, very nice email from my snuggleums, and to top it all off with a very nice, very big red bow, my big brother Brent made me the happiest girl alive by agreeing to buy me more Ninjatown Micro Plush Series 2 plushies. Sigh. I'm like floating on cloud nine right now.
I also have a new book that I'm sinking my teeth into slowly. Mostly because if I read it the way I normally do which is super fast, then I'll be out of something to sink my teeth into really quickly. So, I'm pacing myself. I'm also less wobbly these days. The world doesn't tilt so much anymore. Life is going great. For once, I have absolutely nothing to nitpick about.
I spent some of today visiting my old online journals. Yes, I have more than one. Moving on, I found a few posts that made me laugh, some that made me cringe and some that just made me ask, "what the hell?"
There were also a hell of a lot of posts talking about, wishing for, obsessing over toys. Quite a number of posts talking about, wishing for and obsessing over boys as well. I'm nothing if not predictable and consistent.
For the longest time though, I really wasn't too keen on posting pictures of myself. I have really horrible self-esteem issues and back then, I'd rather eat glass than post pictures. I think I'm improving though... not all the way great but acceptable. Hey, at least now I post "some" pictures. Some of them even straight from my phone without the benefit of good 'ol Photoshop. Quite a feat, really.
I also regularly posted stories and poetry and essays. Now, not so much. I've become more selfish with my stuff I guess.
And now... on to the pictures.

Whenever life gets way too complicated... I inevitably turn to my toys for comfort. And they always, always get the job done.Shawnimals are a girl's best friend.
This week has been pretty confusing for me. I have a lot of conflicting emotions that are on the verge of overwhelming me. Scary shit, really. I'm trying not to let everything get to me and I think I'm doing a decent job, so far.
You know how you like certain things that aren't necessarily the norm so you keep it to yourself and hope that nobody finds out because, first - nobody wants to be looked at funny and second, nobody wants to be looked at funny. So yeah, anyway... I've been keeping a lot of stuff to myself for the longest time and only recently shared stuff with somebody really special to me. I have to say, I am pleasantly surprised that nobody looked at me funny plus I've also been comforted by the knowledge that I'm not the only one who feels the way I feel about certain things.
I know how people think that I only seem to write sad stories and never happy ones but nothing could be farther from the truth. I have a ton of happy stories. I just tend to keep them to myself. Eventually I'll feel less selfish about them and post a few but right now, you're just going to have to content yourself with my sad stories.
Sigh. There's so much I want to share...
I rarely repost from other blogs but this one blog that I follow has such inspiring and delightful posts... so here it is...When I fall in love and find my eternal companion, I want to have as much love, as much happiness and as much laughter as those two.
I just noticed that my blog needed more uplifting stuff... so here...