
Rounding it up...

This week has been pretty confusing for me. I have a lot of conflicting emotions that are on the verge of overwhelming me. Scary shit, really. I'm trying not to let everything get to me and I think I'm doing a decent job, so far.

You know how you like certain things that aren't necessarily the norm so you keep it to yourself and hope that nobody finds out because, first - nobody wants to be looked at funny and second, nobody wants to be looked at funny. So yeah, anyway... I've been keeping a lot of stuff to myself for the longest time and only recently shared stuff with somebody really special to me. I have to say, I am pleasantly surprised that nobody looked at me funny plus I've also been comforted by the knowledge that I'm not the only one who feels the way I feel about certain things.

I know how people think that I only seem to write sad stories and never happy ones but nothing could be farther from the truth. I have a ton of happy stories. I just tend to keep them to myself. Eventually I'll feel less selfish about them and post a few but right now, you're just going to have to content yourself with my sad stories.

Sigh. There's so much I want to share...


  1. snuggleums2:17 AM

    I'd love to hear your happy stories when you want to share them.

  2. You're one of my happy stories. :)

  3. snuggleums5:57 PM

    *smiles* you are one of mine too...
