
Inspire. Move. Awaken.

I'm stuck in a rut.  Day in and day out, everything is just an identical, slow motion blur of all the other yesterdays. 

I need something that will inspire, motivate and awaken me.  I need my creative juices to start flowing again.  I haven't written anything in a long while and it's not for lack of trying.  I have unfinished stories waiting with baited breaths...begging for their happily ever afters.

It pains me that I can't seem to get motivated enough to climb out of my rut and break free of this overwhelmingly addictive monotony.

I need to write.  I need to sing.  I need to dance.  I need to live.



  1. I know the feeling <3 I have an idea...find some really pretty music and make up a dance to it. It doesn't have to be fancy, and you don't have to move excessively. Just hold your arms out just so and let them flow. If nothing else, you'll smile :)

  2. Sometimes, I think we need that break to replenish ourselves before the frazzles and the burn-outs and the overwhelming grumpy greys.

    Maybe you aren't feeling inspired. Maybe you need to find your Thinking Cap. Maybe you should wear Arnie as your Thinking 'Stache! ;DD
