
An apple a day..

I spent the better part of the afternoon helping my bestfriend's son, Mico with his kumon worksheets. I don't know who had a harder time staying put, me or him. 20 minutes into the whole thing and I was getting antsy.

It was nice though. I got to "teach" again and there was peace in the land. Seeing as I took over the teaching responsibilities for the afternoon, the whole house was spared from all the ruckus that the mother and son tandem would have generated. Ah... peace.

In other news, the time has come to slip out of my frontaldisguise skin and shimmy into something less stressful and disappointing. Goodbye and good riddance.

Which reminds me, I have a video for my studmuffin. I just have to rewatch it and see if it's barf-proof. Haha.

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