
Burn, baby, burn.

I'm a pretty understanding, non-judgmental person. I'm a big fan of the live and let live philosophy. I'm not a god so I can't smite anybody and I don't want to. I've got enough problems of my own without taking on the world's morality on my shoulders.

But. And this is a doozy...

I have no respect, understanding, patience or forgiveness for baby killers, adulterers and prostitutes.

There is no reason, no circumstance that can justify killing an unborn child, coveting and sleeping with someone else's spouse and selling your body for a few thousand bucks. No reason. None.

Ok, maybe you were taken by force. Nobody should have to go through that and all rapists should go to hell. But... I still don't think it justifies killing the unborn child. Bring it to term, give it up for adoption. More humane, don't you think?

18 years old and got pregnant by your booty call? SUCK IT UP. Don't damn yourself to hell by killing the unborn child. Like I said, bring it to term then give it up for adoption. It's not its fault you were a slut, is it?

As for adulterers and prostitutes... you have no shame. None. I hope you all burn in hell.