I've learned that nothing is permanently mine. Everything can be taken away. In an instant. Just like that. Poof. It's gone. And no matter how tightly I hold onto something, it's not a guarantee that it won't slip between my fingers.
I've learned that love hurts. That the intensity of the hurt is directly related to the intensity of the love.
I've learned that despite how good I am, despite how careful I am, I can still get my ass kicked.
I've lost the love that I've prayed for. I'm lost. I'm hurt. I'm going to survive this.
I haven't spoken to you since you were still together. Guess that's been over a week :( Sorry that it happened, you did seem very happy with him. I hope you're ok. I'm still here to talk if you want, but I have lectures mon/tues/thurs/fri and so aren't at my PC from 10am-4/5pm my time. Sorry!