
It's time.

Changes have been made. Those who matter have been notified.


  1. Anonymous12:25 AM

    I never was! :(

    I swear my other post never came up and I really did post..

  2. uh huh... i notice that when one leaves comments on this here blog that you can actually leave your frikkin' name...

    otherwise, should i stop calling you Rich and start calling you Anon?

    you're still going to buy me a new toy, you do know that, right? love you.

  3. Anonymous10:28 PM

    why would I leave my name when you know who I am?
    I'm not sure if i have time to buy you anything - I've been told I'm working 12 hour days as of today, and some of the weekend.

  4. are you purposely staying away because i asked you to buy me a toy??

    that is just sad.

    because you're still buying me one. it'll take you 5 minutes. so there.

  5. I'm not staying away! All IMs are blocked and there's no easy way to proxy through them.
    And you warned me you'd ask me, you never directly asked me

  6. great... semantics...

    fine i'm asking you to buy me a toy. the same one you bought me for christmas. pretty please with sugar and boobies on top?
