
Staying Alive

Egads I feel like crap. Also, I don't think my brain's working so...
  • I like this latest layout. I'm gonna stick with it for good. Or until I get a bug up my ass and decide to change things around again.
  • My insomnia is back with a vengeance. It's bitchier and meaner than ever. Christ in cucumbers.
  • I think the only thing that can lift me up is a new toy. Someone buy me one please. I'm almost on the verge of agreeing to anything if it could get me a toy. Seriously.
  • I don't think anyone believes me when I say I'm sad.

My ankle still hurts like a mother.


  1. Anonymous11:39 PM

    I believe you when you say you're sad.

    It is a nice new layout :)

  2. you know... i'm starting to fall in love with this anonymous person... the mystery just makes me go all tingly inside. harhar.

  3. Anonymous10:30 PM

    it's no mystery. tingle tingle tingle

  4. you're such a tease...

  5. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Builds the suspense, can only be a good thing

  6. it's only a good thing when it will eventually lead to SOMETHING... *sigh*

  7. Anonymous6:54 PM

    we're currently working with people in india not in manila, sorry.

  8. 'cause we're smarter... hehe.

  9. Oh believe me you are... it's like

    "Ok, press the "A" button. Now press the "B" button. Now the "return" button with the strange arrow.

    I don't know why it's all offshore, it's quicker to do it ourselves some days :(
