
Abort. Retry. Fail.

The last few days have been tough on me... emotionally. It's like fate has it in for me. Like I have no right to happiness. Even temporarily. Everything comes with a goddamned catch.

"Ok, you can have a boyfriend but he has to live on the other side of the world...."

"Ok, you can finally stop being paranoid because this one is honest but you're not going to like the answers so be sure you're prepared to deal with the pain..."

"Sure, you can tell the world you're in a relationship but the world won't necessarily believe you..."

There's something to be said about knowing that your man is 100% honest with you. Specially if you've been in dishonest relationships in the past... but sometimes, the truth, no matter how much you claim you want the whole of it, cuts to the bone.

Why can't I just deal with one fucking depressing aspect of my life at a time? Why must they all happen ALL at FUCKING ONCE?